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Interesting news from The Post-Gazette (The lady avove is pleased about it):

No citations for giving the finger to police, judge says

U.S. District Judge David Cercone granted summary judgment to David Hackbart, who said in a federal suit that Sgt. Brian Elledge violated his constitutional rights by issuing him a citation in 2006.

“Elledge’s response to Hackbart’s exercise of his First Amendment right was to initiate a traffic stop and issue a citation for disorderly conduct,” the judge wrote. “Clearly, Elledge’s conduct was an adverse action in response to Hackbart flipping him off.”

Honestly, for the most part I think we should respect our law enforcement officials.  Maybe not all the laws, but the officials.  They are just doing their job, and protect us with their lives.  Buuuuuuuuut…I totally think this is a corrrect judgment.  Plus any cop who would get all butt-hurt over a case of the bird is the type of cop who deserves it.  Seems like a little abuse of power to give tickets because they are offended.  So the Asshole hurt your feeeeeeelings with his rude, insensitive hand gestures.  Get the hell over it.  You have a gun, a badge, the power to serve and protect and drive really fast pretty much any time you want to.  Turn around and walk it off.  If you are the type of cop to not take yourself or these people too seriously, that wasn’t for you.  You’re rad, keep protecting me please.

Any opinions on the subject?  Do you think they made the wrong decision?

Oh my gosh, the is the best thing EVER!!!!


I like this clipping from a police blotter in the Silicon Valley area. I don’t know if it’s real or not, but I hope it is.

Source: Boing Boing,

Yeah, you heard me. My boyfriend and I have been watching old school Columbo lately. The stuff from the early 70’s. I usually don’t get into that era of detective stuff very often, but I am loving Columbo. Glass eyed Peter Falk is incredibly charming as the “bumbling” Lieutenant, a homicide detective with the Los Angeles Police Department.

In case you haven’t seen it, the show is basically backward, at the beginning you follow the Murderer through their whole plan and cover up. Then about a half hour in, Columbo shows up. Obviously the mystery isn’t who did it, but how is Columbo gonna figure it out and prove it.  The fun in that is that he really likes playing mind games with the suspects.  He is very good at it.

Anyways, if you are ever up at 3am and happen to see that Columbo is on, I highly suggest you watch.  Get ready for the amusement his classic line, “Oh, just one more thing,” will bring to your lives.

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