You are currently browsing the category archive for the ‘Happy’ category.


That is all.

Seriously, what the hell Japan?

Give me a ring tone that makes me look younger and gets me a six figure salary and you got yourself a deal.

Source:  Topless Robot

This would have been way better anyways.

I coughed laughed at the end of this.

The guy with too many items looks like a kid I know.

Yes, you read that right.

The little guy was so sad.


Holy crap.

This Sunday night, The Simpsons will, for the first time ever, be broadcast in High Definition. They have created a brand new opening of the show to mark the occasion.

Check it out.  I am a little sad about it, but at the same time I think it was a good thing.

Source: /film

Welcome to the world of 2000 Hong Kong Action Flick Gen-Y Cops.  It is weird to see Paul Rudd blonde, but awesome to see him fighting robots. I’d still do him either way.  Especially with his new found martial arts skills.  Rawr.

“This suit cost me 50 dollars!  What?!”

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